Friday, March 12, 2010

The Calm Before The Storm

Ciao Pisani!! How YOU doin'?

This time of year is always interesting to me. It's the deep breath before the plunge (my apologies for the LOTR reference but it fit here.) There's already been a flurry of activity on both bikereg and pre-reg as the spring races open and we all anticipate what will unfold for MABRA this year. The year-by-year questions we all ask start flowing: who will be strong? which team will dominate? who will be the Chuck Hutch or Stephen Wahl success-story of '10? will I be featured on yougotdropped? etc. The post-winter races have offered the first glimpse but, as we all know, it doesn't start until it starts.

Well, Da Numbas is entering '10 with a renewed attitude (sorry, Jersey attitude and bling are still core principles here, goombas) and some new fitness. Um, new fitness for me anyway. As you all are well aware (ok, maybe not), I pretty much took last year off. I raced at Dawg Days and Turkey Day just because. But my CTL explored the floor of the Mariana Trench by year end so I figured it was going to take another whole year for Da Numbas to find the numbers. But, in the meantime, a number of moons aligned within the ranks of good ol' WWVC and, wouldn't you know it, we actually put together a respectable 35+ squad. Now I had to find some fitness in time - at least rekindle my sprint so I could finish what others had started or at least provide leadout.

A relatively recent article by Chris Carmichael talked about Lance's ability to generate some decent power these days because of the rest (forced rest in this case) he had after his, uh, "retirement." I think that may be what happened to me. I got on the bike on 1/1/10 after sporadic riding at best over the fall and early winter months of '09 and now, just over two months later, my LT is higher than it's ever been. Can't say I fully understand it (other than the fact that I've been breakin' my balls on the e-motions) but I'm happy with it. Will I be trading pulls with Hutch? Um, no. I do think I'm going to be an active player on a team that's hungry and motivated. Speaking of hungry, this whole limiting carbs thing (i.e. no linguini for you, Numbas) in order to keep weight down is murder for an Italian. Just sayin'.

First out of the gate is going to be Union Grove in PA. That'll be a Numbas-hasn't-raced-in-forever-and-needs-a-mulligan race. The foray into MABRA begins with Walkersville/Tysons weekend. I can't wait. I love the feeling inside the peleton, especially the Masters peleton where it's smooooooth. But I digress. This weekend - in the pouring rain - will be my last of the go-to-Mt. Weather-and-kill-yourself rides. After that it's high-end tuning, group rides, and racing.

For now, I'm enjoying the calm before the storm in anticipation of a great year. If you see Da Numbas out there, stop and say "Eh! Numbas you I-Tie Bastard! How da hell are ya?" You can expect a warm New Jersey response. Thanks for stoppin' by, amici miei.


  1. Joe!

    Glad to hear you are riding. See you at Wakey soon?

  2. Yeah man!! Maybe not the first few, but it'll be a staple of my season. Congrats on your successful start this season, Bryan. Keep it going.

    See you out there.
